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C'était vraiment cool ! Le concept est sympa bien qu'un peu déroutant mais c'était le but après tout. Par contre le niveau du désert avec les oiseaux qui se confondent avec les décors bande de ptit filou... Non c'était vraiment sympa, GG à vous deux ! PS: j’aurais bien aimé pouvoir participer mais je pouvais pas >n< 


I really like the feel of the graphics and the soundtrack choice is on point.

The game feels nice, simple and clean enough.

Maybe implement different obstacles? Like have an animal move on the ground.

I noticed some particles don't disappear before you respawn.

Could make obstacles more contrast(poor eyesight here) but they were still visible.


I like the day night cycle idea. I feel like reversing controls is a bit simple, would have been interesting to have a different mechanic based around the day/night cycle. Reversing controls also has the effect of always having the day be easier than the night.

The yellow birds on the desert level were pretty hard to see.

Nice background parallaxing :)